Yiddish Song - Belz, Mayn Shtetele Belz
Vilna: A Yiddish song. Performed by Fraidy Katz. Directed by Wolf Krakowski
Vilna: A Yiddish song, with English subtitles, composed by Olshanetsky & Wolfson. Performed by Fraidy Katz over images of inter-War Jewish life in Vilnius, Lithuania -- Vilna in Yiddish. From the CD, "Di Alte Kashe" (The Eternal Question): Fraidy Katz Sings Yiddish (Kame'a Media). Produced by Wolf Krakowski and Jim Armenti
Di shvue - the anthem of The Bund
Written by S. An-sky in 1902, this Yiddish song became the anthem of The Bund.
Di shvue
Brider un shvester fun arbet un neyt
Ale vus zaynen tsezeyt un tseshpreyt,
Tsuzamen, tsuzamen, di fon iz greyt,
Zi flatert fun tsorn, fun blut iz zi reyt!
A shvue, a shvue, af lebn un teyt.
Himl un erd veln undz oyshern
Eydes veln zayn di likhtike shtern
A shvue fun blut un a shvue fun trern,
Mir shvern, mir shvern, mir shvern!
Mir shvern a trayhayt on grenetsn tsum bund.
Nor er ken di shklafn bafrayen atsind.
Di fon di reyte iz heykh un breyt.
Zi flatert fun tsorn, fun blut iz zi reyt!
A shvue, a shvue, af lebn un teyt.
The Oath
Brothers and sisters in toil and struggle
All who are dispersed far and wide
Come together, the flag is ready
It waves in anger, it is red with blood!
Swear an oath of life and death!
Heaven and earth will hear us,
The light stars will bear witness.
An oath of blood, an oath of tears,
We swear, we swear, we swear!
We swear an endless loyalty to the Bund.
Only it can free the slaves now.
The red flag is high and wide.
It waves in anger, it is red with blood!
Swear an oath of life and death!
Performed by: Zahava Seewald .
Arbetlose Marsch - a yiddish song
Arbetlose Marsch by Mordechai Gebirtig